33 research outputs found

    Birreductos con igualdades y similaridades en sistemas de información y decisión

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    Los conjuntos difusos, introducidos por Lofti Zaded, y los conjuntos rugosos, propuestos por Pawlak, son enfoques complementarios para tratar el conocimiento imperfecto: mientras que los primeros permiten que los elementos pertenezcan a un conjunto con un cierto grado de verdad dado, los otros proporcionan aproximaciones de conceptos cuando la información disponible es incompleta. El estudio y desarrollo de las técnicas matemáticas, en la extracción y manipulación de información en bases de datos relacionales con información imprecisa, falta o pérdida de información está en auge. Una parte muy importante es la reducción del tamaño de la base de datos a tratar, sin perder información ni elementos de juicio, con este objetivo se presentaron los reductos. Recientemente han adquirido una gran importancia el estudio de los birreductos, los cuales contienen a los reductos y aportan más información reduciendo el sistema original sin incluir incoherencias y eliminando el posible ruido existente en los datos originales. El trabajo realizado se centra en el estudio de los birreductos para simplificar la manipulación de información en la teoría de los conjuntos rugosos. El objetivo principal de los birreductos es el de reducir el sistema original evitando que aparezcan incompatibilidades

    δ-information reducts and bireducts

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    Attribute reduction is an important step in order to decrease the computational complexity to derive information from databases. In this paper, we extend the notions of reducts and bireducts introduced in rough set theory for attribute reduction purposes and let them work with similarity relations defined on attribute values. Hence, the related mathematical concepts will be introduced and the characterizations of the new reducts and bireducts will be given in terms of the corresponding generalizations of the discernibility function.La reducción en atributos es un paso importante para disminuir la complejidad computacional para obtener información de una base de datos. En este trabajo, extendemos la noción de reductos y birredcutos introducidos en Teoría de Conjuntos Rugosos para reducción de atributos y trabajamos con relaciones de similaridad definidas en los valores de los atributos. Luego, los conceptos matemáticos relacionados se introducirán junto con las caracterizaciones de los nuevos reductos y birreductos en términos de la función de discernibilidad

    Characterizing One-Sided Formal Concept Analysis by Multi-Adjoint Concept Lattices

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    Managing and extracting information from databases is one of the main goals in several fields, as in Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). One-sided concept lattices and multi-adjoint concept lattices are two frameworks in FCA that have been developed in parallel. This paper shows that one-sided concept lattices are particular cases of multi-adjoint concept lattices. As a first consequence of this characterization, a new attribute reduction mechanism has been introduced in the one-side framework.This research was partially supported by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme in collaboration with the State Research Agency (AEI) in Project PID2019-108991GB-I00 and with the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia in Project FEDER-UCA18-108612 and by the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action CA17124

    Using the FVB strain of mice for the evaluation of clinical and experimental ketamine (IP) associated with phenothiazines, benzodiazepines and α2-agonists

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    El objetivo de este trabajo ha consistido en evaluar el estado fisiológico de los animales mediante el control de las frecuencias respiratoria y cardiaca así como la tasa de saturación de oxígeno durante la anestesia con ketamina asociada a otros fármacos. Para ello hemos utilizado 40 ratones FVB consanguíneos (20 machos y 20 hembras) de 11 semanas de edad, a los que se les administró por vía intraperitoneal ketamina asociada a un depresor del sistema nervioso central: acepromazina, diazepam, medetomidina, midazolam o xilazina. Obtuvimos resultados que difirieron mucho entre sexos, concluyendo que en machos los mejores resultados obtenidos fueron con la asociación a los α2-agonistas, mientras que en las hembras, al menos a las dosis empleadas, no pudimos afirmar que ninguna de las asociaciones fuese óptima.The aim of this work has been to evaluate the physiological status of animals by controlling the respiratory rate and heart rate and oxygen saturation during anesthesia with ketamine in combination with other drugs. We have used 40 consanguine FVB mice (20 males and 20 females) from 11 weeks of age, who were administered intraperitoneally with a ketamine-associated central nervous system depressant:acepromazina, diazepam, medetomidine, midazolam or xylazine. We obtained results that differed greatly between the sexes, in males, concluding that the best results were obtained with the association of α2- agonists, while in females, at least at the doses employed, did not say that none of the associations were optima

    Echocardiographic Changes with Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome. Long-Term Pickwick Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Spanish Sleep Network.[Rationale] Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) has been associated with cardiac dysfunction. However, randomized trials assessing the impact of long-term noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on cardiac structure and function assessed by echocardiography are lacking. Rationale: Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) has been associated with cardiac dysfunction. However, randomized trials assessing the impact of long-term noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on cardiac structure and function assessed by echocardiography are lacking.[Objectives] In a prespecified secondary analysis of the largest multicenter randomized controlled trial of OHS (Pickwick Project; N = 221 patients with OHS and coexistent severe obstructive sleep apnea), we compared the effectiveness of three years of NIV and CPAP on structural and functional echocardiographic changes.[Methods] At baseline and annually during three sequential years, patients underwent transthoracic two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography. Echocardiographers at each site were blinded to the treatment allocation. Statistical analysis was performed using a linear mixed-effects model with a treatment group and repeated measures interaction to determine the differential effect between CPAP and NIV. Measurements and Main Results: A total of 196 patients were analyzed: 102 were treated with CPAP and 94 were treated with NIV. Systolic pulmonary artery pressure decreased from 40.5 ± 1.47 mm Hg at baseline to 35.3 ± 1.33 mm Hg at three years with CPAP, and from 41.5 ± 1.56 mm Hg to 35.5 ± 1.42 with NIV (P < 0.0001 for longitudinal intragroup changes for both treatment arms). However, there were no significant differences between groups. NIV and CPAP therapies similarly improved left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and reduced left atrial diameter. Both NIV and CPAP improved respiratory function and dyspnea.[Conclusions] In patients with OHS who have concomitant severe obstructive sleep apnea, long-term treatment with NIV and CPAP led to similar degrees of improvement in pulmonary hypertension and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction

    Implementation of activities based on Reading Comprehension As a strategy for strengthening critical reading

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    La presente investigación aborda a la comprensión lectora como una de las competencias básicas que se deben adquirir a lo largo del periodo escolar, en este sentido, si los estudiantes no son capaces de comprender lo que leen, mucho menos podrán desarrollar una postura frente a lo mismo, por lo que es necesario desarrollar la comprensión lectora para contribuir a un entendimiento global de los textos. Para esto, se realizó un diagnóstico de los niveles de las competencias lectoras de los estudiantes de 3° de la Institución Gilma Royero Solano, basado en resultados arrojados por las Pruebas Saber 2016, para luego de establecer una serie de estrategias enfocadas en la comprensión lectora, en el nivel de lectura crítica y aplicarlas al mismo grupo, con el fin de mejorar sus competencias lectoras y compararlas con los resultados obtenidos en pruebas realizadas por los docentes a partir de las Saber en el 2017.This research addresses reading comprehension as one of the basic skills that must be acquired throughout the school period, in this sense, if students are not able to understand what they read, much less can develop a position in front of what they read. same, so it is necessary to develop reading comprehension to contribute to a global understanding of the texts. For this, a diagnosis of the levels of reading skills of the students of 3rd of the Gilma Royero Solano Institution was made based on the results of the 2016 Saber Tests, after establishing a series of strategies focused on reading comprehension in the level of critical reading and apply them to the same group in order to improve their reading skills, compare them with the results obtained in tests made by teachers from the Saber in 2017

    Risk factors associated with pulmonary hypertension in obesity hypoventilation syndrome

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    Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is prevalent in obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS). However, there is a paucity of data assessing pathogenic factors associated with PH. Our objective is to assess risk factors that may be involved in the pathogenesis of PH in untreated OHS.Peer reviewe

    Multiplex protein profiling of bronchial aspirates reveals disease-, mortality- and respiratory sequelae-associated signatures in critically ill patients with ARDS secondary to SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Introduction: Bronchial aspirates (BAS) obtained during invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) constitutes a useful tool for molecular phenotyping and decision making. Aim: To identify the proteomic determinants associated with disease pathogenesis, all-cause mortality and respiratory sequelae in BAS samples from critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2-induced ARDS. Methods: Multicenter study including 74 critically ill patients with COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 ARDS. BAS were obtained by bronchoaspiration after IMV initiation. Three hundred sixty-four proteins were quantified using proximity extension assay (PEA) technology. Random forest models were used to assess predictor importance. Results: After adjusting for confounding factors, CST5, NADK, SRPK2 and TGFa were differentially detected in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients. In random forest models for COVID-19, CST5, DPP7, NADK, KYAT1 and TYMP showed the highest variable importance. In COVID-19 patients, reduced levels of ENTPD2 and PTN were observed in nonsurvivors of ICU stay, even after adjustment. AGR2, NQO2, IL-1a, OSM and TRAIL showed the strongest associations with in-ICU mortality and were used to construct a proteinbased prediction model. Kaplan-Meier curves revealed a clear separation in mortality risk between subgroups of PTN, ENTPD2 and the prediction model. Cox regression models supported these findings. In survivors, the levels of FCRL1, NTF4 and THOP1 in BAS samples obtained during the ICU stay correlated with lung function (i.e., DLCO levels) 3 months after hospital discharge. Similarly, Flt3L and THOP1 levels were correlated with radiological features (i.e., TSS). These proteins are expressed in immune and nonimmune lung cells. Poor host response to viral infectivity and an inappropriate reparative mechanism seem to be linked with the pathogenesis of the disease and fatal outcomes, respectively. Conclusion: BAS proteomics identified novel factors associated with the pathology of SARS-CoV-2-induced ARDS and its adverse outcomes. BASbased protein testing emerges as a novel tool for risk assessment in the ICU

    Impact of time to intubation on mortality and pulmonary sequelae in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a prospective cohort study

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    Question: We evaluated whether the time between first respiratory support and intubation of patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) due to COVID-19 was associated with mortality or pulmonary sequelae. Materials and methods: Prospective cohort of critical COVID-19 patients on IMV. Patients were classified as early intubation if they were intubated within the first 48 h from the first respiratory support or delayed intubation if they were intubated later. Surviving patients were evaluated after hospital discharge. Results: We included 205 patients (140 with early IMV and 65 with delayed IMV). The median [p25;p75] age was 63 [56.0; 70.0] years, and 74.1% were male. The survival analysis showed a significant increase in the risk of mortality in the delayed group with an adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of 2.45 (95% CI 1.29-4.65). The continuous predictor time to IMV showed a nonlinear association with the risk of in-hospital mortality. A multivariate mortality model showed that delay of IMV was a factor associated with mortality (HR of 2.40; 95% CI 1.42-4.1). During follow-up, patients in the delayed group showed a worse DLCO (mean difference of - 10.77 (95% CI - 18.40 to - 3.15), with a greater number of affected lobes (+ 1.51 [95% CI 0.89-2.13]) and a greater TSS (+ 4.35 [95% CI 2.41-6.27]) in the chest CT scan. Conclusions: Among critically ill patients with COVID-19 who required IMV, the delay in intubation from the first respiratory support was associated with an increase in hospital mortality and worse pulmonary sequelae during follow-up.The study was supported in part by ISCIII (CIBERESUCICOVID, COV20/00110), co‑funded by ERDF, “Una manera de hacer Europa” and Donation pro‑gram "estar preparados". UNESPA. Madrid. Spain David de Gonzalo Calvo acknowledges receiving financial support from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Miguel Servet 2020: CP20/00041), co‑funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), “Investing in your future”. JdB acknowledges receiving financial support from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Miguel Servet 2019: CP19/00108), co‑funded by European Regional European Social Fund (ESF), “Investing in your future